Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Found a Pool For My Duck

I found two red horses and three cows- My horses are jumping.

My giraffe is bigger than your animals.

"Oh no crocodile is coming--- we need to save our animal".

I found a pool for my duck!

Children were using their own imagination to use all the farm and wild animals. I was so surprised (and excited) to observe that children grabbed some blocks with various shapes, which were filled with colored water, and they used them as a pool for duck and crocodile.  It was every interesting for me to observe their dramatic interaction between each others. Child A took his crocodile on the floor and pretended that the crocodile wanted to eat all the animals (A was making sounds as if  the crocodile was shouting ) , then F and S were also pretending that they wanted to save the cows -so they were helping the animals to settle on the farm house roof. Some of the children wanted to sort the animals according to their types and also wanted to make the animal sounds. It was an amazing experiencing to observe all the children and their unique style of playing with the farm materials.

Learning outcome from B.C EARLY LEARNING FRAME WORK:

1: Exploration and creativity: When children were using various types of animals and farmhouse, they were using their imagination, all theirs senses and physical movement. They all have their unique style of playing and techniques to use the material and interact with other children.
Each of them were creative and expressed their feeling when they were using the material. For example: S made a pool with the block for her duck and F picked all the cows and horses, and counted how many cows and horses he had!

2: Feel a sense of security , self respect and self regulation: All the children were using their material independently. They were using their own style of playing with their material. Sometimes they were so expressive, and sometime they were very attentive with their solitary play.Teachers are there to provide the environment to ensure that they are safe and secure .

Teachers reflection:
We set up our class room with farm animals, wild animals and a house besides the block area.  This was very popular with the children. Some of the children were also very busy with the train tracks and various types of transportation.

Monday, September 26, 2011

School Closures- 2011/2012

Assalamu Alaikum,

Sprouts of Iman Preschool follows the BC Muslim School calendar for all school closure dates.

These are the dates to note:

10-Public holiday (school closed)
21 Pro-D Day (School Closed)

7 Eid Ul-Adha Holiday (Tentative date, School Closed)
11 Public Holiday (School Closed)

19-30 Winter Break (School Closed)

2 Winter Break (School Closed)
3 School Reopen

19-23 Spring Break (School Closed)

6 & 9 Public Holiday (School Closed)
12 Pro-D Day (School Closed for Students)

21 Public Holiday (School Closed)

22 Last day for Preschool Students

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What Did You Learn Today ?

When the children are exploring the material and environment, they are continuously learning and making new discoveries. It may look like they are just playing, but this is their 'work'.

When 'A' came to the class she was so delighted to see the wooden shape colorful blocks on the table . She was wondering what she can do with all the colorful pieces. She garbed it from the table, picked one yellow block and said, "I found one yellow block". Teacher 'F' was there -and said, "Yes A, I can see you found a yellow square block. What can you do with that? A replied, "I can make a house".

'T' was delighted to see the different color tempura paint on the easel. She was enjoying her color mixing. Then she wanted to try it on the paper. When she noticed that red and yellow can make pink -she said, "I can make pink with yellow and red!" She was not only mixing the color, she was holding the brush and gently dipping her brush in the paint and being very careful not to drop it on the floor.

Science table: 'M' wanted to see something with his magnifying glass. He took one marble and rock for his experiment. When he saw the reflection on the table from his magnifying glass, he said, "Oh no, I made a ball with my glass!"

Today is my first day -I am missing my mummy. I don't know anyone here! What can I do? Teacher F gave me the brush and all the new paint --I like blue, I want to put blue on my whole paper!

Play: It's The Way Young Children Learn (click to read the article)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hand Washing

We are learning about hand washing in our class. Please discuss and
reinforce these concepts with your child. And remember – your example is
your child’s best teacher!

  • Helping your child wash his/her hands upon arrival to preschool will, insha'allah, reduce the spread of illnesses and keep children with allergies safe.

Why is hand washing so important?
Washing your hands and your child's hands is the best thing that you can do to
stop the spread of germs. The moment that you finish washing your hands,
you start to collect germs again by opening doors, wiping faces, playing with
children’s toys and using the washroom. You cannot avoid collecting germs, but
you can reduce the chance of infecting others by knowing when to wash your

Washing hands thoroughly and often is one of the best ways to prevent disease. Children and
adults should wash their hands frequently throughout the day.

When should children wash their hands?
• The first thing you do when arriving at childcare or school;
• Before playing with a group media (playdough, watertable, etc) or toys;
• After having a diaper change or using the toilet;
• Before eating or handling food;
• After playing outdoors or in sand; and
• After playing with pets or animals.
• Whenever they look or smell dirty

As always – thank you for your support!

Songs and Fingerplays about

Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hand
Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands
Wash, wash, wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean
Wash them on top,
Wash them on bottom and fingers in between.
Wash, wash, wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean
Wash them on top,
Wash them on bottom and fingers in between.
Washing Hands Song
Tops and Bottoms, tops and bottoms,
In between, in between,
All around your hands, all around your hands,
Makes them clean. Makes them clean
All around, all around

This Is The Way We Wash Our Hands
This is the way we wash our hands
Wash our hands
Wash our hands
This is the way we wash our hands
To keep our bodies health

Wash Wash Wash Your Hands
(Tune of Row Row Row Your Boat)
Wash, wash, wash your hands.
Wash them nice and clean.
Wash them on top, wash them on bottom
and fingers in between!

The Big Achoo!
Tissue, tissue, where are you?
I can feel a sneeze coming through.
I’ll cover my mouth, and cover my nose.
Look out everybody! Here it goes!
Ah… Ah…. Choo!!

Wash Those Germs Away!
After you use the restroom,
And after I go outside to play,
Wash your hands with soap and water,
And wash those germs away!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Welcome Parents

Dear Preschool Parents 
Assalamualikum ,

Last week at preschool we spent time continuing to get to know each other, and share about ourselves. Children are learning how to share, take turns, and work together.
We also spent a lot of time painting at the art table with tempura paint, crayon and using glue for their craft, exploring sensory and fine motor skills. The children really are enjoying this exploration.

They are really enjoying their group time with Sister Farzana and Sister Fatima , which we will continue to work on each day after their free play time . Group time is spent talking about stories, and learning new songs, doing finger play with other children and learning to control their bodies with gross motor activities . We are also focusing with the children to greet each other in an Islamic manner (Assalmualikum )and saying Bismillah when they will start to do something .
From this week Sister Fatima will be in the preschool from morning and afternoon session and Sister Farzana will join her in the afternoons.

Gentle reminder for parents to provide earthquake emergency kit for each child .

Please provide healthy snacks and only water for their drinks.

There is a volunteer sign in sheet on the bulletin board Please sign in if you are interested in helping your child’s class with simple things like making playdoo, cutting art paper and general clean up in classroom.

Thank You,
Sr. Fatima

Friday, September 9, 2011

Community Activities for Younger Siblings and Parents

Assalamu alaikum,

Some parents are wondering what they can do with their younger children, while their preschooler is having fun exploring & learning at Sprouts of Iman Preschool.

Here are some suggestions for thing you can find within a short drive from the school:

Strong Start Program

Richmond Nature Park

Richmond Public Library

Shell Road Trail walk

Playground & Parks (South Arm, King George, Minoru, Garden City Park, and more)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Parent Orientation

Parent Orientation dates:
Thursday Sept 8th at 7pm
Friday Sept 9th at 12pm

Preschool opens for students on Monday Sept 12th