Friday, December 9, 2011


December newsletter

Winter is here, so please dress your children warmly. The cold is really chilly! Warm clothing, which includes mittens (better than gloves), warm waterproof boots, jacket and a neck warmer or scarf will be needed very soon. Please remember to put extra clothing in your child’s bag to help when children get wet.
Last month a lot of our preschool children were sick because of the flu. MashaAllah it is very nice to see the children well and joining us again.
Sister Farzana cannot work with us because of her personal reasons, and she has resigned from Sprouts of Iman Preschool. Sister Mehbooba is working as a substitute teacher right now. The children have really been enjoying Sr. Mehbooba.
Last month we were having fun with magnetic activity. Children were experimenting with the magnets, exploring with other object and reading books about magnet. We were sharing various types of action song and story, such as Enormous Turnip, sticky, Lama Lama Red Pajama-etc using various kinds of props. Children were also enjoying several different sensory activities- with birds food, water /sand play and Styrofoam with magnets.
This month we are focusing on Salat. They have already seen video and we have been demonstrating how to perform Salat.
We will also focus on the weather and social development–“how to take turns and share toys with other children.”
Our preschool will be closed from Monday December 19th to Monday January 2nd. Inshallah you all will have a safe and nice winter break.  We will re-open Tuesday Jan 2nd insha'allah.

Juzaka’Allahu Khairun,


  1. One day S was found kneeling with her head on the ground. I asked S "What are you doing S?" and she replied, "I'm praying."

    I am so happy to announce that little S came to me with her prayer mat and asked if we could pray together.

    Shortly thereafter her little sister collectively brought our prayer mats to me, I asked if she would like to pray and she said yes!


  2. Masha'allah! I love to hear this :)
