Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Learning happens for the preschool children when we create the environment for them. We have some students from last year and some brand new students who just started the school. We were careful  to ensure all children in our classroom felt included. 

Both the pre-K and three year old children were enjoying the lacing activity, no matter if they know the alphabet yet or not.  They were excited to make a necklace.
When we provided word puzzles, it was fun for the older children and younger ones too.  

They were learning the alphabet, colours and some of them just enjoyed the sorting activity.  Wring is an adventure for the preschoolers, especially when they have a job to copy something.  They will take the challenge, they do not care whether it was perfect or not. They just like to keep going -so we have a little table with some paper and pencils, and children can use it any time. When they were doing the alphabet collage, they were very creative to make something -some of them made caterpillars, some of them choo choo trains. The teacher was carefully telling the alphabet names when they were picking them.

Lacing with the alphabet is not only teaching the children all the letters, but also developing their fine motor skills.  Children were carefully inserting the string inside the letter's hole, and at the same time they were telling the name of the letter with the help of the teacher if needed.
Children were doing the puzzles with all the wooden letters.  Most of them were very enthusiastic to learn the alphabet and solve the puzzles.
Some of the children were practicing their writing, such as mastering their skill to hold the pencil correctly, and how to make a line or draw a circle to copy some alphabet letters.
Art is also a fun activity for the children. They explored working with various colouful foam alphabet pieces.
It was amazing to observe how hard working our preschool children are.  They were engaged, passionate and eager to learn how to write the A B Cs. I was so excited to observe that they actually were able to copy some of the alphabet successfully. 

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