Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eid UL Adha

 Children were delighted to draw and decorate their Eid card.

 They were creative and enjoyed drawing with the felt pens.

 They were also  using star shape stickers and coloured  glitter for their Eid cards.

 We have been discussing about details about the Hajj -such as what place we visit for hajj, what is the Kaaba, and what kind of clothing man wear during the Hajj.

 We also shared  a story about Zamzam water, used visuals and books to learn about  how to perform  Hajj, and learned the basics about why we had to sacrifice animals -also, the children were practicing the Labbayek Allahuma Labbayek...

It was a great week for us to learn and share our ideas for Eid .They were sharing about what they will eat and present to their parents.  Most of the the children decided to present lollipops to me for Eid.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Creation of Allah

 We have been learning about the colours and shapes around us.  We were sharing our ideas with each other and  discussing what colours and items we could see around us.  We saw trees, fruit and vegetables-we were discovering what our friends were wearing.

I asked them who created everything for us? Mashaallah,  they answered.  "Allah".  I explained to them about why Allah created everything for us and how it will help us to live in this world.

I added all the healthy food for children's dramatic play area and we were having picnics -during our play we were discussing how all the healthy food helps us to grow and make us a healthy.

I extended this activity to our art area-where I added green and yellow with some plastic fruits and vegetables.
Mashaallah, it was amazing to observe the way the children were using their imagination while they were doing the art.
They wanted to draw, some of them were mixing colours, some of them were taking turn. One of the children was telling us about the farm his grandparents have.
One child drew a sun and he said Allah  made the sun for us -we get light from the sun. Subhaanallah, they are learning many things everyday during play-during art and our everyday communication.